[tei-council] <notatedMusic> changes required

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Thu Jul 7 04:18:15 EDT 2011

On 07/07/11 08:40, Laurent Romary wrote:
> Le 7 juil. 2011 à 01:04, Martin Holmes a écrit :
>>>    c) something bothersome about both the use of<label>   ("contains the label associated with an item in a list;
>>>    in glossaries, marks the term being defined") here:
>>> <figure>
>>>        <head><label>Ex. 3</label>SCHUBERT: Symphony in B minor.</head>
>>> 	<notatedMusic>
>>>           <ptr target="example_schubert.xml"/>
>>>        </notatedMusic>
>>>     </figure>
>> I noticed that too, but I wasn't sure what it might be replaced with.
>> Perhaps it should be in a<figDesc>, outside the<head>. What do others
>> think?
> On this issue, I tend to avoid leaving it there and would put the content into an @n attribute on figure...

That would have the great virtue of being consistent with the rest of 
the Guidelines!

And I strongly support Sebastian's objection to the use of a non-typed 
<ptr> here.

So I would change this to

  <figure n="3"><head>SCHUBERT: Symphony in B minor.</head>
<ptr type="transclude" target="example_schubert.xml"/>

However -- does this example really mean that the whole of Schubert's 
symphony is to be included at this point? if not, I would suggest 
changing the content of the <head> to something like "Extract from 
Schubert's B minor symphony"

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