[tei-council] notated music

Laurent Romary laurent.romary at inria.fr
Tue Jul 5 05:41:20 EDT 2011

OK. Spoke too quickly for the value :-}

Thanks for volunteering. I would definitely not appoint a commission to select volunteers...

I now wait for the others to confirm this.

Le 5 juil. 2011 à 11:30, James Cummings a écrit :

> On 05/07/11 10:16, Laurent Romary wrote:
>> Hi council,
>> I'm taking up on this thread to basically come to a similar conclusion as James. We have a duty to move forward with the creation of this element, probably letting the discussion of a more generic element to another ticket.
>> I also like the status='reviewed' (even more explicit than 'unstable', which is somehow frightening to read).
> The point is to be frightening. If you are frightened off by it, 
> then you probably aren't the kind of user who should be using it 
> (for the first 6months or until changed to the default 'stable'). 
>  @status has a closed value list so it will have to be 
> 'unstable'. 
> http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/ref-att.identified.html
>> So:
>> - I suggest to have show of hands on this proposal
>> - expect a volunteer to file in a ticket for a more generic option
> And can I suggest that we also ask for volunteers to:
> a) Edit the prose to Guidelines style and put into the figures 
> chapter
> b) Double-check the elementSpec
> I'm happy to do both of these, but thought that others might be 
> interested in practicing this sort of thing.
> -James
>> Laurent
>> Le 5 juil. 2011 à 11:10, James Cummings a écrit :
>>> On 04/07/11 21:08, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>>>> Well, in general I'd agree, but this has been hanging around a long time
>>>> and discommoding the MEI folks. It was discussed at the last
>>>> council meeting, I understand?
>>> In the minutes for the meeting:
>>> "We agreed that an appropriate name for the proposed container
>>> element would be<notatedMusic>  and requested the Music SIG to
>>> continue their excellent work by providing a preliminary ODD for
>>> the new element. This is now available in the SVN repository,
>>> along with a sample ODD embedding it; see further
>>> http://tei.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tei/trunk/Documents/notatedMusic/
>>> )"
>>> http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/Council/Meetings/tcm46.xml#body.1_div.1_div.1_div.4
>>> They provided the ODD within a few hours of being told that we
>>> approved the element and just wanted them to produce an ODD for
>>> us to tidy up and include in the Guidelines. While I think us
>>> quibbling about the definition of that ODD is entirely
>>> appropriate, I believe that we had in substance agreed to the
>>> element and were asking them to do some of the work of creating
>>> the ODD and prose text which we would refine before putting into
>>> the Guidelines.
>>> Stuart says:
>>>> My reservation to this is that music is not the only content
>>> that can
>>>> appear in text in this manner and by crafting a solution to
>>> fit music we
>>>> may be embbedding assumptions about music rather than
>>> assumptions about
>>>> text.
>>> Sure, and that is the reason for the proposed general purpose
>>> container element. notatedMusic is just a special case of this.
>>>> * graphs in scientific works, which typically have both
>>> parallel tabular
>>>> and graphical representation and deep-linking into the systems
>>> which
>>>> generated the experimental data.
>>> We have a whole module and chapter for graphs, networks and
>>> trees. It is woefully underused and I'm sure that there are
>>> possible revisions to it. But otherwise I'd view graphs as I
>>> think you mean them as usually expressed as figures. Thus a
>>> general purpose containing element inside figure would suit this
>>> use-case perfectly.
>>>> * maps with embedded locators such as
>>> https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/File:EU-United_Kingdom.svg
>>> which
>>>> are print-based half-way point between traditional maps and
>>> google maps.
>>> I'm less sure about the right solution to that (other than
>>> embedding the SVG) but would suspect it involved figure again.
>>>> Having said all that, I do support getting a solution to these
>>> issues.
>>> I think these are all fair points and justifications for the
>>> general purpose element. I don't think it stops us implementing
>>> the element as requested and then take feedback from the music
>>> encoding community and others as to whether any changes are
>>> necessary.   We have a value for @status on things like
>>> elementSpec of deprecated, unstable, changed, stable.
>>> I would propose that notatedMusic be created (basically as
>>> specified) but with a @status of 'unstable' until we create the
>>> general purpose element which it is a syntatic sugar version.
>>> The whole point of that value of @status was to stop development
>>> blockages and instead flag that  "the item is new and still under
>>> review". (Really it might be good practice to have any new
>>> elements listed as such for one 6-month iteration if we are
>>> continuing with biannual releases.)
>>> -James
>>> --
>>> Dr James Cummings, InfoDev,
>>> Computing Services, University of Oxford
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>> Laurent Romary
>> laurent.romary at inria.fr
> -- 
> Dr James Cummings, InfoDev,
> Computing Services, University of Oxford
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Laurent Romary
laurent.romary at inria.fr

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