[tei-council] Fwd: notated music

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Wed Jun 29 06:50:42 EDT 2011

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: notated music
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 10:34:14 +0100
From: Lou Burnard <lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk>
To: raffaele.viglianti at kcl.ac.uk, tei-council

Thanks, Raffaele, for the clarification and apologies if my stupid
quesitons are making you repeat matters already abundantly clear. In
particxular thanks for the more elaborated example, since this makes
clear to me, at least, that what you;re aiming to shoehorn quite a lot
into what I had thought of as a fairly straightfoirward extension.

I think there are two issues.

1. we have ways of including other media within a TEI document
(<graphic><binaryObject> ) which make explicit what kind of object is
being included and indicate a representation of it by a pointer, or by
including it explicitly. But we don't have any explicit way of saying
"this is a pointer to or container for an XML representation of this
object in some other namespace" (If we did we could use it also for
things like <formula> -- pointing to a mathml fragment -- or <textClass>
pointing to some dcmi stuff -- which might be cool)

2. you want to include as child of musicNotation many alternative
representations of the music, some of which (in my inexpert opinion) are
really not representations of the notated music itself, but related
items such as performances of it, This seems to make the notatedMusic
element more of a bibliography-like thing than a graphic-like thing.

Hence, I assume, the preference for <ptr> -- which is as Sebastian says
-- a very general pointing mechanism, and so does not presume any
semantics other than "over there".

Or am I still over simplifying?

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