[tei-council] Fwd: Some more on notatedMusic to the council

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Tue Jun 28 15:23:35 EDT 2011

Hi there,

On 11-06-28 11:35 AM, Lou Burnard wrote:
> Hmm. "XInclude has lots of support" (MH) "XInclude ... is pretty
> badly supported". (SR)

oXygen supports it; XMLSpy supports it; Java supports it (since 1.5); 
Saxon supports it; eXist has partial support for it.

> Either one of you chaps is wrong, or the concept of "supported" is so
> vague as not to be a very useful evaluative criterion.

I think I'm right, based on the above, but Sebastian can say what 
specific problems he's encountered.

> Peronally, irrespective of its supportedness, I think  XInclude is meant
> to provide "transclusion".
> And, like Sebastian, I think<ptr>  does something else.

What exactly does it do, though? What's the difference between 
transcluding binary data and pointing at it, in a situation in which we 
don't actually import it all into a <binaryObject>?


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Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
(mholmes at uvic.ca)

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