[tei-council] TEI-C Website Development Window

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Mon May 16 04:59:45 EDT 2011

Hi all,

David and I have decided to move this work to the second week of 
August.  So you now have until the 5th of August to get your bugs 
and feature requests relating to the website in.

Additionally, we have roped in Martin and Stuart as volunteers to 
help us squash some of the bugs. :-)


On 09/05/11 09:57, James Cummings wrote:
> Dear Council,
> Just reminding you about the following announcement made back in
> February. Please put in any TEI Website bugs or Feature Requests
> (marking them as category 'TEI: Website Suggestions') by this
> friday the 13th.
> -James
> On 28/02/11 12:55, James Cummings wrote:
>> Hi TEI-Council,
>> David Sewell and I have a slightly amorphous list of things that
>> we think should be done to improve the TEI-C Website and its
>> display in a number of browsers. We've set aside some periods of
>> time (fitting around our work commitments and such) to have a
>> development window in mid-May.  We would encourage members of the
>> Council (and Board if someone wishes to forward this email there)
>> to submit Bugs and Feature Requests in the 'TEI: Website
>> Suggestions' category before Friday 13 May 2011. We hope that
>> knowing that there will be some development time spent on this
>> will encourage the submission of such bugs/feature requests.
>> We are not looking for any bugs or feature requests to be
>> submitted to us directly, but would _prefer_ people use
>> Sourceforge. The scope of such bugs and feature requests should
>> be reasonable improvements to the display and/or functionality of
>> any part of the website (including Guidelines). Unfortunately
>> some of this is limited by the underlying content management
>> system and we're not intending to change this during this
>> development window.  We don't promise to implement all of the
>> suggestions submitted and will prioritise them with an arcane
>> algorithm of perceived difficulty of implementation vs benefit to
>> the TEI community.  If anyone wants to help, let us know.
>> Although this email is public (because it is on a
>> publicly-archived mailing list) we are consciously not informing
>> TEI-L of this development window until much closer to the date
>> when we will announce a drive for suggested improvements.  (This
>> does not mean you can't encourage people to submit bugs/feature
>> requests in this category...they are free of course to do so at
>> any time.)
>> Best,
>> -James

Dr James Cummings, InfoDev,
Computing Services, University of Oxford

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