[tei-council] straw poll

Gabriel BODARD gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk
Mon Apr 25 14:34:11 EDT 2011

Which, given that two of the candidates for "blort" include the morpheme 
"Group" (which I suggested privately to Lou might be shortened to 
"Grp"), makes those candidates suddenly awkward.

(Not that I'm abandonning my vote for them, however!)

On 25/04/2011 18:40, Lou Burnard wrote:
> Not dense at all, and yes, good point, there may well be need for
> another blortGrp or listBlort or something, once we've decided what the
> "blort" should be.
> n 25/04/11 18:36, Brett Barney wrote:
>> I'm probably being dense, but one detail isn't clear to me about this:
>> Will there be a wrapper element in<creation>  for the instances of the
>> element? That is, I'm assuming that<stageNotes>  will be discarded along
>> with<stage>  and @stage, but I don't know whether the proposal is to do
>> away with the element altogether (and leave all of the erstwhile
>> <stage>s knocking around in<creation>  with siblings such as<date>  and
>> <note>), to worry about renaming<stageNotes>  as a separate issue, or
>> maybe to use the new name as the basis for renaming the wrapper (eg.,
>> <docStageNotes>  or<phaseNotes>).
>> Brett
>> Inactive hide details for Lou Burnard ---04/25/2011 09:45:36
>> AM---Apologies for any lack of clarity. The need is to find a nameLou
>> Burnard ---04/25/2011 09:45:36 AM---Apologies for any lack of clarity.
>> The need is to find a name for (a) the element which sits inside
>> From:	
>> Lou Burnard<lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk>
>> To:	
>> Sebastian Rahtz<sebastian.rahtz at oucs.ox.ac.uk>
>> Cc:	
>> TEI Council<tei-council at lists.village.Virginia.EDU>
>> Date:	
>> 04/25/2011 09:45 AM
>> Subject:	
>> Re: [tei-council] straw poll
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Apologies for any lack of clarity.
>> The need is to find a name for (a) the element which sits inside
>> profileDesc/creation and defines a related group of interventions in the
>> document and (b) the attribute which can be attached to one or more
>> elements, each of which represents a single such intervention, in order
>> to associate them with the appropriate group
>> The original proposal was to use the word "stage" for both. When it was
>> discovered that "stage" was already taken as an element name, in the
>> interests of efficiency, we changed the element in the profile desc to
>> "stageNote".
>> We'd like to have the same name for both, if possible.
>> All clear now? I see you managed to vote before these ontological doubts
>> overtook you, but if you want to do so again, feel free.
>> On 25/04/11 15:38, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>>   >
>>   >  On 25 Apr 2011, at 15:29, Lou Burnard wrote:
>>   >
>>   >>  http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/Council/Working/tcw19.xml
>>   >>
>>   >  this does not define<stage>  per se, so are you talking about
>> replacing<stageNote>?
>>   >  or are you just asking what english word to use in prose?
>>   >  or are you talking about the @stage attribute?
>>   >
>>   >
>> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&group_id=106328&atid=644065&aid=3095641
>> <https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&group_id=106328&atid=644065&aid=3095641>
>>   >  does not request a<stage>  element, so I find reference to<stage>
>>   >  in
>> http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/Council/Meetings/tcm46.xml#body.1_div.2_div.2_div.5hard
>> to follow

Dr Gabriel BODARD
(Research Associate in Digital Epigraphy)

Department of Digital Humanities
King's College London
26-29 Drury Lane
London WC2B 5RL

Email: gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)20 7848 1388
Fax: +44 (0)20 7848 2980


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