[tei-council] Tite ticket - pb at facs
Lou Burnard
lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Thu Feb 24 07:31:53 EST 2011
I've no problem with the idea of saying that only <pb> should get @facs
in lite, but the point of my comment was that it is not obvious how to
avoid other things getting it too. In general, I think "cloning"
attributes is not good practice, so it would be a useful exercise to see
whether it is now possible to make just one element in a schema inherit
from a supposedly global class. That was after all one of the purposes
of the changes made for release 1.9
In response to Kevin's comment on the ticket: there is a big difference
between pb at facs and graphic at url -- the latter means that there is an
image here which forms *part of the text* -- the former means that there
is an image of this part of the text here, but it is not a textual
I'm also a bit surprised to learn that data capture agencies want to use
this feature: are they going to be supplying page images too? If so,
shouldn't we be going the whole hog and adding <facsimile> and <surface>
(at least) as well?
On 24/02/11 12:19, Laurent Romary wrote:
> I think there is a consensus on the strategy there. We should let
> Kevin implement at his best.
> Le 24 févr. 11 à 12:11, James Cummings a écrit :
>> Aside from the slightly poorly-expressed caveat that I added to
>> the ticket (and Kevin agreed with) that he should make _only_
>> tei:pb a member of att.global.facs (or clone the @facs attribute)
>> and not add membership for any *other* element. (I've not looked
>> at the Tite source to see whether he can indeed use the class or
>> has to define @facs separately for pb.) The point being though
>> that Tite should be kept as tight as possible.
>> -James
>> On 24/02/11 08:03, Laurent Romary wrote:
>>> After an iteration for clarification. A simple change in Tite is
>>> suggested here. I would suggest just to move ahead and let Kevin
>>> implement.
>>> Anyone wants to shout?
>>> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=644065&aid=3136936&group_id=106328
>>> Laurent Romary
>>> laurent.romary at inria.fr
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>> Dr James Cummings, InfoDev,
>> Computing Services, University of Oxford
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> Laurent Romary
> laurent.romary at inria.fr
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