[tei-council] TEI P5 1.9.0

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Wed Feb 16 13:00:26 EST 2011

On 16/02/11 17:45, Piotr Bański wrote:

> 1. "more compromises and alternatives within the encoding scheme may be
> required in future"
> "in the future" seems more popular, but I wouldn't touch the sentence.

yes, "in the future" is to be preferred (unless there is a following 
noun, of course!)

> 2. "to account for the wide variety of linguistic context"
> "contexts" would sound more natural to me, I'd probably be tempted to
> add the "s" just to avoid tickets from people pointing it out as a
> mistake. Unless "context" is heavily used as uncountable in other places
> in the Guidelines.

also agreed

> 3. "we have tried to retain the original typographic appearance of the
> example as well as presenting a suggested encoding for it."
> Either align the forms (presenting -->  (to) present) or do something
> about the "as well as" (-->  "while" AND/OR "at the same time" ?).

this one doesnt worry me much

but i miust say think there are maybe more substantial issues that need 
discussion in this chapter ... e.g. the case of pVar pRef which we 
bounced around here a few weeks ago

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