[tei-council] access to current builds of TEI P5

Kevin Hawkins kevin.s.hawkins at ultraslavonic.info
Thu Jan 27 19:00:03 EST 2011

On 1/27/2011 4:46 PM, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>> No one told me I was ever granted access, but it's good to know I have
>> it should I need it!
> I do think you're the _de facto_ maintainer of the TEI Tite source,
> so I'm hoping you'll dive in.....

See, now that I know that I could potentially give access to fellow 
members of the Tite task force, I am keen to have them do some of the 
work on this committee (for which, so far, I have done most everything). 
  Since Perry Trolard made changes to a local copy of the Tite ODD and 
sent it to me, and I told him not to bother since Lou would make these 
changes in SourceForge once we have consensus, I have asked him if he'd 
be willing to make the changes.

First, though, I need to find some time to pull together my notes and 
push for some consensus here in Council (since I think we still want 
that sort of thing).  Will be in touch about all of this soon.

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