[tei-council] Council meeting in April - Symposium on 11. April

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Tue Jan 18 16:37:50 EST 2011

On 18/01/11 19:51, Piotr Bański wrote:
> doing text encoding in HTML over semantic vocabulary is annoyance -- I
> simply can't imagine to what positive goal this might lead.[*] On the
> other hand, I could imagine the advantages of listening to someone who
> has abandoned the TEI and proceeded to create two successful
> language-resource-encoding systems, namely Nancy Ide, and of asking her
> if the limits of the TEI that made her abandon it once are already gone,
> and if not, what paths she would suggest that we follow.

FWIW, Nancy was actually invited to the first TEI Conference and given 
more or less the same brief then.
So she may feel she's "been there done that".

>   (We've seen one
> recent problem gone last summer [in Dublin, I guess], with the adoption
> of a modification concerning FS-encoding that made it possible not to
> type features in situ. Are there any others that she sees, I'd like to
> ask Nancy.)
Probably rather too specialised and specific a topic ?

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