[tei-council] FR nuncles: new element tei:objectType

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at retired.ox.ac.uk
Tue Jan 4 12:03:43 EST 2011

As already noted on the ticket, the trouble with "object" is that (to my 
eyes at least) it is ambiguous between a specific object ("Excalibur") 
and a class of objects ("ceremonial swords"), in a way that "material" 
generally isn't.

  On 04/01/11 16:56, Sebastian Rahtz wrote:

the name bothers me. In the example given:
>     <support>  <material>Parchment<material>  <objectType>roll<objectType>  with
>     <material>silk</material>  <objectType>ribbons<objectType>
> the<objectType>  really looks weird to my eyes. I think, "why not<materialType>?"
> <form>  might be better. but dict hijacked that.
> I'd stick with<object>  meself.
> --

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