[tei-council] Suppressed text: summary of position (FR 2242434)

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Mon Nov 2 14:04:37 EST 2009

Why are they not <add resp="scribe" type="interpolation"> then?

Elena Pierazzo wrote:
> Gabby also says this would not solve the case "for interpolated verses"
> which is quite possibly true, but (if I understand his reason for saying
> so) the same would apply to any phrase-level element you might invent.
> The point is that interpolated segments (and the consequent need for an editor to mark them as superfluous) are quite common in medieval texts. This is a standard practice in editorial work and I think that a standard practice should not be left to the invention of single editors (with consequent proliferation of element, as it is now, by the way), but TEI should provide a standard solution for it.
> Interpolations are not errors of the scribes (so sic cannot be used), but texts that have been added by someone (a scribe, a reader of the text), perhaps initially as a gloss and then have been incorporated to the text. The editor might want, in those cases, to espunge them altogether, or mark them as superfluous, or say 'possibly interpolated' (so a @cert attribute would be required).
> Elena
> --
> Dr Elena Pierazzo
> Research Associate
> Centre for Computing in the Humanities
> King's College London
> 26-29 Drury Lane
> London WC2B 5RL
> Phone: 0207-848-1949
> Fax: 0207-848-2980
> elena.pierazzo[at]kcl.ac.uk
> www.kcl.ac.uk/cch<http://www.kcl.ac.uk/cch>

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