[tei-council] example for TEI lite P5

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Fri Oct 24 04:22:12 EDT 2008

Syd Bauman wrote:
>> Looking over the Chinese revision of TEI lite p5 we noticed that
>> at 19.3:
>> <language<http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-exemplars/html/teilite.doc.html#language>characterizes
>> a single language or sublanguage used within a text.
>> an example is needed. [sic]
>> An example seems to be missing. Do you want to add this?
If you suggest one, Marcus, I would be pleased to do so. You can in any 
case add one into your translation!
> Hi Marcus! Good to hear from you. I hope to see you in London, no?
> Thanks for noticing this, but no, I don't think we want an example
> here. The fact that <langUsage> and <language> are in Lite at all is,
> IMHO, a corrigible error. There is nothing light about them. So I
> think the correct solution would be to remove the entire discussion,
> rather than add an example.

This rather raises the question of who is or should be responsible for 
editing and maintaining the content of TEI U5 though. The discussion of 
<language> etc. was originally introduced into the text because it 
complemented the discussion of the @lang attribute, whic h definitely 
needs to be included there, and also because in P4 at least you really 
couldn't get far with non-English texts without using them in your 
header. I  would find it difficult to justify whipping them ou 
http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/XMLedition/URG/cdifhd.html#hdpdtct now, 
without reviewing many other components. possibly now regardable as 

I am CCing to the TEI Council for comment.

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