[tei-council] Internationalisation - two issues

Laurent Romary laurent.romary at loria.fr
Wed Oct 22 11:46:54 EDT 2008

Dear (Seb in particular :-}),
As I was trying to figure out the best strategy with regards the  
<addSpan> thread, I came across the problem/issue/feature? that  
googling the TEI now points randomly to any page in whatever language.  
For instance "addspan tei p5" yields the following sequence of results:
and that's all! (I mean links to our own documentations).

The issues at hand are:
- the English pages do not appear
- the refs are randomly pointing to the tei-c page and the  

A second problem I discovered while toying with the pages is that you  
cannot switch from one language to another for the same content. For  
instance, from:
you come to the list of elements if you click on any language at the  
bottom of the page instead of pointing to the translation of the page.

Is there a way to do something about this?

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