[tei-council] Fwd: Pizza chef not accepting modification files?

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Thu Oct 16 16:59:27 EDT 2008

John A. Walsh wrote:
> I was thinking ant, which was one of the suggestions in sourceforge.

I'm not against the idea, but frankly its a low
priority for me, unless the council tells me otherwise.

> I believe the "command-line roma" could also be implemented as an ant  
> script, since it's largely a bunch of XSLT.  But we could provide a  
> package with a lib directory--with trang, and jing, and all the  
> libraries we need, so people wouldn't have to fiddle about with that  
> stuff. 

ingenious idea, but that means folk knowing what a command line
is, and how to type "ant". I'm keener on the little Java app,
to be honest.

> I have the command-line Roma running on my OS X machine, but I  
> recall it being a real pain in the ass to get working. 

took me about 10 minutes to get working under OS X,
but then I know it rather well :-} In fact the entire P5 foodchain
is working for me under OS X, fwiw.

> I understand  
> resources are an issue.  So I think it's a good agenda item to discuss  
> and see where these fall in the priority list.
yes, agreed

Sebastian Rahtz
Information Manager, Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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