[tei-council] [Fwd: and then there's the TBOs question]

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Wed Aug 6 11:54:26 EDT 2008

> >   <p>I saw my cousin lying in bed. He was reading <title>And to
> >   My <lb/>Nephew Albert: I Leave the Island
> >   <choice><sic>That</sic><corr>What</corr></choice> I Won Off
> >   Fatty Hagan <lb/>in a Poker Game</title>, a novel which, even
> >   in paperback ...
> Is this a made-up example?

The example is made-up, the title ("And to My Nephew Albert: I Leave
the Island What I Won Off Fatty Hagan a Poker Game") is of a real
book. Written by David Forrest, published in 1969 or 1970. Supposedly
very very funny (according to my cousin), but I've never read it.

> But why would this be a good idea? 

To reduce the complexity of the TEI, and to use the same element for
the same thing, whether it happens to be on the title page or not.

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