[tei-council] where to put schematron constraints

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Thu Jun 19 08:43:26 EDT 2008

Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> The ODD setup _per se_ has no place to
> record Schematron constraints. For the
> purpose of P5, I have extended the
> content model of <content> to allow
> them to be embedded there, in their own
> namespace. This all works fine.
> If you want to add some rules to an existing
> element in your project ODD, you have
> therefore to duplicate the current
> <content> and add in your rules. This
> seems clumsy and error-prone.
> I'd like to change all this to move Schematron
> rules so that they are children of <elementSpec>
> directly. I would implement this by defining
> a new macro "macro.schemaConstraints"
> which defaults to empty, and is at the end of
> the content model for <elementSpec>. in
> the ODD for P5, I would then redefine that
> macro to allow "anything in the Schematron
> language".

Would the ability to stick the schematron inside <content> still be 
kept? Or would it only be allowed in the new place?  Will it break any 
existing user-created ODDs?

Dr James Cummings, Research Technologies Service, University of Oxford
James dot Cummings at oucs dot ox dot ac dot uk

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