[tei-council] TEI panel at DH

Laurent Romary laurent.romary at loria.fr
Tue Jun 10 05:42:27 EDT 2008

I have just asked Susan Schreibman about this.
BTW, could we have her be put on the list so that the communication  
channel between council and chartered groups run smoothly?

Le 10 juin 08 à 11:06, Arianna Ciula a écrit :

> It would be useful to have a summary of all the current work  
> groups. I will have between 5 to 8 minutes to talk, so I may have  
> to compress information in the slides, but in any case, it would be  
> useful for me to have a better understanding to answer questions  
> and be really aware of what's happening.
> Thanks,
> Arianna
> Lou Burnard wrote:
>> We should also maybe have a brief report on the new French  
>> initiatibve from
>> Bertrand and other colleagues maybe... I will see what can be done  
>> in time.
>> Greetings from Belgrade, where the keyboard is a little strange.
>> In message <EFE3C466-64DF-4A6A-B2CD-8B329FFC7FCB at loria.fr> Laurent  
>> Romary
>> <laurent.romary at loria.fr> writes:
>>> OK. I open the fire. I am just wondering whether online  
>>> brainstorming  would work. Here below is a few lines of thought  
>>> for us as council.
>>> I will gather keywords, ideas, development about this, both in  
>>> the  details, but also on the basic question: "does it match what  
>>> we are  trying to do"?
>>> TEI council � strategy statement
>>> Main orientation for the council in the coming period
>>> Maintaining the guidelines
>>> Bug and feature reports
>>> Missing �components�
>>> New chapters
>>> Connection with communities
>>> Chertered group with a focused mission
>>> Libraries
>>> Strategic technical collaborations
>>> W3C, ISO
>>> Outreaching
>>> �TEI for the dummies�
>>> Le 9 juin 08 � 12:06, Arianna Ciula a �crit :
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> together with Peter, James, John, and some other people outside the
>>>> council, I have been invited to participate to the TEI panel to  
>>>> be  held
>>>> this year at the Digital Humanities Conference in Oulu.
>>>> I can choose to talk about a TEI feature of my interest, but Susas
>>>> suggested that I might be able to update the audience on the  
>>>> Council
>>>> activities.
>>>> To do so, I think I need your input, since after the involvement  
>>>> of  all
>>>> of us in sharing the workload to produce P5, it seems to me we  
>>>> have  firm
>>>> objectives and mission, but may be still a blurred horizon with
>>>> decisions and roles to be defined better.
>>>> So, before I decide to talk about us, suggestions, contributions,
>>>> comments are welcome!
>>>> Arianna
>>>> -- 
>>>> Dr Arianna Ciula
>>>> Research Associate
>>>> Centre for Computing in the Humanities
>>>> King's College London
>>>> 2nd Floor
>>>> 26-29 Drury Lane
>>>> London WC2B 5RL (UK)
>>>> Tel: +44 (0)20 78481945
>>>> http://staff.cch.kcl.ac.uk/~aciula/
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> -- 
> Dr Arianna Ciula
> Research Associate
> Centre for Computing in the Humanities
> King's College London
> 2nd Floor
> 26-29 Drury Lane
> London WC2B 5RL (UK)
> Tel: +44 (0)20 78481945
> http://staff.cch.kcl.ac.uk/~aciula/

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