[tei-council] attribute lists

Laurent Romary laurent.romary at loria.fr
Fri Apr 11 06:11:40 EDT 2008

Then make a try with both views and we will see if it really hinder  
the legebility.
What would the others think?

Le 11 avr. 08 à 12:05, Sebastian Rahtz a écrit :

> Laurent Romary wrote:
>> That's exactly the direction to follow. I am myself very bad at  
>> presentation things. But I can already see the usefulness of it.
>> Would it make sense to have too views in the "used by" (one after  
>> the other or toggling), that is:
>> - like is now, sorted by elements
>> - the other way round, sorted by attributes, with the list of  
>> corresponding attributes behind (e.g. @value[eLeaf, eTree, iNode,  
>> node, etc.])
> we don't present two views elsewhere, so possibly will confuse  
> people. But
> I see what you mean. If I had to choose, I think I'd prefer your  
> view to be the default.
> Of course, when we have the alphabetical attribute list, you'll get  
> something
> similar there.
> -- 
> Sebastian Rahtz      Information Manager, Oxford University  
> Computing Services
> 13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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