[tei-council] Galway agenda

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Tue Mar 25 09:08:40 EDT 2008

In preparation for next week's meeting, I've now reviewed all postings 
to tei-l and to tei-council since January in search of specific feature 
requests for the next release of TEI P5, adding brief entries to the 
sourceforge list of such items as I go. I hope I haven't left anything 
out but it would be jolly helpful if someone else could check.

I hope all council members can also review these topics: there are only 
18 of them so far. Go to http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=106328 
  or select Tracker from the project page at http://sf.net/projects/tei/

I will also (I hope) post a summary here as soon as possible.

You don't need a sourceforge login to read or even post new feature 
requests by the way, though getting one is pretty straightforward (and 
obviously helps those of us trying to make sense of the comments)

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