[tei-council] Galway: recommendations.

Paul F. Schaffner pfs-listmail at umich.edu
Tue Mar 11 16:10:55 EDT 2008

On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Dan O'Donnell wrote:

> Connemara is great (as are the islands). But a lot will be closed at
> this point of the year. Even the pubs in the smaller villages.

Point taken. But the buses do run, albeit on their winter schedule;
I found a B&B near Maam Bridge willing to take me on Saturday
(and directed me to the village pub for directions), and
another in Leenane on Sunday and Monday; and I assume that the
sea, the Maumturks, and the Twelve Bens/Pins are still open, though
the path of the Western Way may be a bit mucky. Aside from a shop
or two for food and water, what else does one need? The charts
I've looked at suggest that April is actually one of the drier
months, on average (though that's not saying much), and that
there should be adequate time between sunup and sundown (I hope)
to walk the 20 miles from Maam to Leenane. If the truth is
otherwise, best I learn it now!

Paul Schaffner | PFSchaffner at umich.edu | http://www.umich.edu/~pfs/
316-C Hatcher Library N, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI 48109-1205

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