[tei-council] Conference call action items?

David Sewell dsewell at virginia.edu
Sun Feb 17 16:41:52 EST 2008

I have added corrections to the minutes of the 7 February call based on 
everyone's input, and have an XML version ready to put on www.tei-c.org.
One thing that I did not do, mainly because I wasn't thinking about it 
during the call, was to identify any formal "action items" to highlight.
I see that this is a customary practice in most past minutes of Council 

An HTML version of the minutes is here:


(based on Sebastian's stylesheets; I don't have write access to 
tei-c.org). Let me know if there is anything that should be identified 
as an action item (or if you see any final corrections).


David Sewell, Editorial and Technical Manager
ROTUNDA, The University of Virginia Press
PO Box 801079, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4318 USA
Courier: 310 Old Ivy Way, Suite 302, Charlottesville VA 22903
Email: dsewell at virginia.edu   Tel: +1 434 924 9973
Web: http://rotunda.upress.virginia.edu/

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