[tei-council] New TEI Roma server needs testing

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Fri Jan 18 10:53:11 EST 2008

David Sewell wrote:
> Part of the problem on the Virginia server is that
>  http://www.tei-c.org/stylesheet/teic.css
> is not there. As for "<span>" being passed as literal text--Sebastian,
> any clue what's going on there?

It seems strange that it would be passed as literal text if just the CSS 
was missing.  I thought that whatever the problem was I should mention it 
in case it had some knock-on effect somewhere else we just haven't noticed 
yet. ;-)

> Is http://tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/Query/tag.xq part of the "official"
> Guidelines/Roma web directory? I confess I'm not entirely clear why
> there's a need to maintain a bookmarklet to the P5 Database as the
> content duplicates that of the reference section in the P5 Guidelines.

During the preparation for P5, I've always assumed that the database was 
more up-to-date than the stable release, but that might not actually be the 
case.  The bookmarklet was only for my convenience (I also use one for the 
ref.xq to see the underlying XML quickly, I'm not sure if roma uses that 
internal or does it itself.)

> In other words, is this something it's crucial to fix on the UVA server?

Probably not, especially not if the org.uk site will stay there.  I guess 
it is more a case of 'should this be working?' rather than 'this should be 


Dr James Cummings, Oxford Text Archive, University of Oxford
James dot Cummings at oucs dot ox dot ac dot uk

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