[tei-council] Styling of TEI <ident> in HTML Guidelines

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at brown.edu
Sun Jan 6 11:26:55 EST 2008

> can you expand on these? what are "XI", "XML" and "extreme"?

Yes, I can, although I hope their context makes 'em self-evident: 
  XI = XInclude
  XML = extensible markup language
  extreme = Extreme Markup Languages "paper" DTD (2004)

> >    1   <name type='class'>
> >    5   <name type='datatype'>
> >   38   <name type='xpscheme'>
> i wonder about these. not <ident>?

Well, I claim that these (and many, many, things encoded as <ident>
in the Guidelines) are more naturally described as <name>s than as
<ident>s. I say this in part because in natural language we say that
the encoded strings are the names of the entities being discussed.
E.g., we say that "att.datable.w3c" is the name of a class which
confers upon its members a set of dating attributes that are
restricted to using W3C format dates in their values. Personally, I
prefer to reserve <ident> for strings that more uniquely pick out an
entity than a name does. Others use <ident> for any name from a
formal language.

However, I'm all in favor of consistency, so I think either
a) they should all be changed to <ident>; or, better still,
b) all of the <ident>s should be changed to <name>s. 

This is one of the things I had wanted to do in the last 2 months
before release as part of a sweep through phrase-level encoding, but
wasn't able to for obvious reasons.

> >    1   <name type='organization'>
> i wonder about these. not <ident>?

No, this one should stay as is, or better yet be an <orgName>.

> >   23   <ptr type='div1'>
> >   56   <ptr type='div2'>
> >   66   <ptr type='div3'>
> >   
> not sure what the point of [these] are? I'm inclined to delete
> those values are probably not being consistently applied, and not
> having any implementation.

As far as I'm concerned they should have been deleted long ago.

I can't make these changes myself this morning, but may have time in
the afternoon.

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