[tei-council] Report on actions. so far

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Thu Aug 30 06:34:11 EDT 2007

A brief report on the actions assigned to me/eds in the minutes tcm33.xml:

1. (titlepage) Syd seems to have done this already
2. (workgroup members list) Not done. I started, but got distracted.
4. (rendition) Not done yet.
6. (facsimile) Done.
8. (nonhierarchic) Nothing done on this by me yet, but I think Syd has 
started on it.
9. (dictionary) Nothing done yet
10. (FSD/R) I am still waiting for feedback on outcome of ISO meeting; 
am in touch with new editor of the ISO FSD draft but he seems to think 
he wont start till mid September (!)
13 (transcription) I am working on a thorough revision of PH, to include 
as many as possible of the known problems in this area. See below for 
19 (stemmata) Not done yet
20 (handlist/note) Done

The revision of PH so far addresses the following issues

(a) confusion about what <expan> means  -- word or string
(b) lots of stuff left over from P3 (e.g. use of entity refs rather than 

I plan also to grasp the following nettle
(c) confusion about what <corr> means -- scribal or editorial?

You can see what changes have been made so far by looking in the usual 
places (on SourceForge for the source, on tei.oucs.ox.ac.uk/Guidelines/ 
for the rendering)

This is taking longer than anticipated, so I fear there won't be time 
left to do much about the more sweeping revisions proposed by Daniel but 
I'll take another look at them when I get to the end of the chapter.

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