[tei-council] Glosses, glosses, everywhere, and what do you all think?

James Cummings James.Cummings at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Thu Jul 5 03:29:45 EDT 2007

Syd Bauman wrote:
> I was unable to close TRAC ticket 338 because the server was not
> responding in a timely fashion, if at all. The machine does respond
> to pings just fine, though.
> ---------
> Should "gi" (as in <gi>, gi= of <tagUsage>, locus="gi" of <certainty>
> or <respons>) be glossed as "generic identifier" or as "element
> name"?

Generic identifier.

> ---------
> data.outputMeasurement has the gloss "HTML dimension". See
> http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/html/ref-data.outputMeasurement.html.
> Some thoughts:
> * I think there should be some examples in there: most people don't
>   casually read regular expressions the way many of us do. I plan to
>   add some soon.
> * The gloss is clearly not right. This datatype is currently only
>   used for width= and height= of <graphic> and <binaryObject>. But
>   does it need a gloss? Should its name be changed instead (or in
>   addition)?

I'd remove the gloss entirely.

> We gave the ident= of <language> its name in order to parallel the
> ident= of <elementSpec>, <valItem>, etc. I don't wonder if a more
> semantically appropriate name would be better. RFC 3066 and its
> successor RFC 4646 call the thing they describe (which is the value
> of ident= of <language>) a "tag". Back when we were setting this up I
> thought that tag= was too confusing a name for an attribute. But now
> I'm not so sure. It seems better than ident=. Could use langTag= or
> languageIdentifier= or rfc4646= (ick), I suppose. 

I don't find @ident confusing or too inappropriate.  Most people won't know the 
RFCs use 'tag' and may get confused by other meanings of tag?

> Note that for <langKnown> we use tag= ('cause there's only one), and
> for <langKnowledge> we use tags= ('cause there's likely more than
> one). So I'm leaning towards tag=.

Or rename those ident. ;-)    Wile I have no problem with ident, if tag is more 
consistent, I don't really have any strong objections to that, only a mild 
unease because of the way 'tag' is used.


> I did not gloss "hand" as in @hand, <hand>, <handList>, <handShift>,
> etc. Speak up if you think it should be glossed (and say what the
> gloss should be).

Seems obvious to me.

> Does anyone have strong opinions about whether proper nouns like
> "World Geodetic System" should be glossed with initial caps or not?

Most uses of it in prose tend to be capitalised, but I would guess this is down 
to the editorial style guide.

> The most amusing gloss I deleted was that for 'model.recordingPart',
> which read "dates and date ranges". :-)

Oops.  And still does on the last stable release.  Interesting that no one has 
pointed that out! 

My thoughts, for what they are worth,

Dr James Cummings, Oxford Text Archive, University of Oxford
James dot Cummings at oucs dot ox dot ac dot uk

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