[tei-council] Glosses, glosses, everywhere, and what do you all think?

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Wed Jul 4 21:47:28 EDT 2007

I was unable to close TRAC ticket 338 because the server was not
responding in a timely fashion, if at all. The machine does respond
to pings just fine, though.


Should "gi" (as in <gi>, gi= of <tagUsage>, locus="gi" of <certainty>
or <respons>) be glossed as "generic identifier" or as "element


data.outputMeasurement has the gloss "HTML dimension". See
Some thoughts:

* I think there should be some examples in there: most people don't
  casually read regular expressions the way many of us do. I plan to
  add some soon.

* The gloss is clearly not right. This datatype is currently only
  used for width= and height= of <graphic> and <binaryObject>. But
  does it need a gloss? Should its name be changed instead (or in


I found that most model.*Like classes did not have glosses, but a few
did. As the "class made up of elements that are in some way like *"
semantic is consistent, I removed those few glosses.


As for the doctype= attribute of <refsDecl>, I gave it a gloss, but
I'm not sure I understand this attribute. I *think* it might have
been intended to deal with using different reference declarations for
each of a variety of DTDs which might have been used at the same time
ala CONCUR, but I'm not sure.


We gave the ident= of <language> its name in order to parallel the
ident= of <elementSpec>, <valItem>, etc. I don't wonder if a more
semantically appropriate name would be better. RFC 3066 and its
successor RFC 4646 call the thing they describe (which is the value
of ident= of <language>) a "tag". Back when we were setting this up I
thought that tag= was too confusing a name for an attribute. But now
I'm not so sure. It seems better than ident=. Could use langTag= or
languageIdentifier= or rfc4646= (ick), I suppose. 

Note that for <langKnown> we use tag= ('cause there's only one), and
for <langKnowledge> we use tags= ('cause there's likely more than
one). So I'm leaning towards tag=.



I did not gloss "hand" as in @hand, <hand>, <handList>, <handShift>,
etc. Speak up if you think it should be glossed (and say what the
gloss should be).


Why doesn't <geo> have the military grid reference system as a value
of datum=?

Does anyone have strong opinions about whether proper nouns like
"World Geodetic System" should be glossed with initial caps or not?


The most amusing gloss I deleted was that for 'model.recordingPart',
which read "dates and date ranges". :-)

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