[tei-council] Digital Diplomatics conference

Arianna Ciula arianna.ciula at kcl.ac.uk
Mon Mar 5 07:51:33 EST 2007

Dear council,

For whom is interested, I just wanted to report briefly on the 
conference I came back from on Saturday: Digital Diplomatics 

The international attendance was quite good with a majority of Germans 
of course.

The majority of presented projects deal with a combination of relational 
database and use of XML (lots of TEI!).

Few things to mention as far as TEI regards:

Interesting presentations
- good work done by two Italian students using TEI P5 (poster: Viviana 
Salardi, Luigi Siciliano: L`edizione digitale dello Statuto di Vicenza 
del 1264)
- presentation of ODD by Gautier Poupeau
- integration TEI-CIDOC presented by Christian-Emil Ore

As you may know already, the objective of the conference was to give a 
glimpse on digital projects related to medieval documents (it succeeded 
on this) and to work on the improvements of the CEI (Charter Encoding 
Initiative: funded three years ago - http://www.cei.lmu.de/index.htm) 
standard to encode these documents in XML. Unfortunately, despite the 
good work of synthesis and conceptual modelling done by Patrick Sahle 
and Gautier Poupeau, we didn't go very far on the latter, but it seems 
to me that
- despite some more or less funded complains on the inability of TEI to 
represented the archival community and its objectives, all the CEI 
recommendations as they stand could easily been translated and/or 
represented in TEI P5
- I will keep an eye on how the community is going to develop the 
standard and see what comes up

Happy to give more details to whom is interested.
All the best,

Dr Arianna Ciula
Research Associate
Centre for Computing in the Humanities
King's College London
London WC2R 2LS (UK)
Tel: +44 (0)20 78481945

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