[tei-council] TEI Conformance

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Mon Nov 27 15:53:50 EST 2006

[This is pretty much only a reply to post-11-21 discussion.]

* I think having extensions in a separate namespace is probably a
  good idea, but it is a major change that will require a lot of
  work. (Think "teaching materials" :-)

* I think dictating a single extensions namespace is a very bad idea.

* I think making a requirement to use a particular naming convention
  for the extension namespace is a bit tricky. If we say "extensions
  must be placed in a namespace that begins 'tei.', we find unhappy
  users who want to put their TEI extension namespace right next to
  their other namespaces:

* Yes, I know namespaces don't have to resolve to anything, and I'm
  not at all sure it's a good idea to do this, but when I read James'
  thought about using http://www.tei-c.org/ns/ext/NameOfProjectHere, 
  I immediately thought that the Members' (and Subscribers') benefit
  is to store their ODD there. Anyone can use such a namespace, and I
  don't know if we would want to stop them if we could. But only
  paid up Members (and Subscribers) get their ODDs hosted.

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