[tei-council] links into images

Lou's Laptop lou.burnard at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Sun Oct 15 11:50:51 EDT 2006

brilliant timing! I am just updating P5 to include this very example....

The problem with Sebastian's example is that he hasn't defined the right 
"views" of the picture. He should be defining the bits of it within 
which we see the student (i.e. the rectangle containing just the 
student, indicated by a 2 on the original), the books (ie. the 3 -- very 
hard to see, but I'm assuming its the book case behind him).  It looks 
to me as if he's defined the zones corresponding with the text lines in 
the page image, which is not what the example is about.

Conal Tuohy wrote:
> I have taken Sebastian's encoding of the example and modified the svg to use the svg:view element in place of svg:rect. 
> Like a rect, a view element also defines a rectangle (it has a viewBox attribute containing the x, y, width and height of the view's bounding box). However, a view is probably a more appropriate type of SVG element to link to. To quote from the SVG spec:
>  Because SVG content often represents a picture or drawing of something, 
>  a common need is to link into a particular view of the document, where 
>  a view indicates the initial transformations so as to present a closeup 
>  of a particular section of the document.
>    http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/linking.html#LinksIntoSVG
> Navigating to a view element within an svg is supposed to zoom in on the region defined in that view. In a real application it might be preferable to highlight the region defined by the view using a coloured rectangle, but equally some other rendering might be chosen; this is better not encoded in the TEI and left up to the rendering application or user agent I think (it's a trivial transformation anyway).
> Cheers
> Con
> <!--
> <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
> -->
> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
> 	xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
> 	<image
> 		xlink:href="../Source/Images/compic.png"
> 		width="597"
> 		height="897"
> 		id="image1764" />	
> 	<view id="p-l9801" viewBox="57 467.85216 169 53.5"/>
> 	<view id="p-l9802" viewBox="312 474.36218 126 47"/>
> 	<view id="p-l9806" viewBox="313 601.36218 158.5 32.5"/>
> 	<view id="p-e9806" viewBox="56.5 591.36218 233 25.5"/>
> 	<view id="p-l9807" viewBox="312 635.86218 130 25.5"/>
> 	<view id="p-e9807" viewBox="55 618.86218 188 22.5"/>
> </svg>
> PS I was a bit disappointed that firefox didn't zoom to show a view when I opened the above file with a fragment id, like "example.svg#p-l9801".
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tei-council-bounces at lists.village.Virginia.EDU on behalf of Lou Burnard
> Sent: Tue 10/10/06 21:27
> To: Christian Wittern
> Cc: TEI Council; Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
> Subject: Re: [tei-council] links into images
> Is anyone going to answer my question?
> Here it is again: How do I do that in SVG (or anything else they'd care 
> to recommend)
> I'd like to edit the text of this chapter to demonstrate how this 
> example works in whatever or whatevers. I don't like leaving an example 
> which recommends something we know is broken.
> Christian Wittern wrote:
>> Syd Bauman <Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu> writes:
>>> [Comenius example at
>>> http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/html/SA.html#SACSXA.] 
>>>> I'm guessing that I can do this in SVG. So how do I revise the
>>>> example in this chapter to do that?
>>> Yes, the intent has always been to change those comments of vestigal
>>> extended pointer syntax into SVG. At the time, I did not know enough
>>> SVG to do that myself, although with some effort I could probably do
>>> it now.
>> The proposal from Dot and Conal propose to do this differently -- they
>> initially suggested mp(), but then discovered that this does not work
>> for bitmapped images and are now suggesting a home-baked syntax.
>> Well, hesitatingly, I admit that this is one of the cases where we
>> should propably recommend SVG -- although I seem to remember that METS
>> can do similar things, which might be more attractive for (digital) libraries
>> who are committed to METS anyway.
>> best, chw
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