[tei-council] word from the front

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Sun Jun 11 19:52:30 EDT 2006

Just a quick update on progress implementing my recollection of what we 
agreed to do wrt class changes (still havent seen those minutes from 

* make new class model.settingPart, with members <locale> and
<activity>; change model of <setting> to reference this class in
place of those elements; remove reference to <rs>
* make new class model.textDescPart, with members
<constitution> etc. from current content model of
<textDesc>; nb this class has @generate=sequence; change
<textDesc> to reference textDesc.sequence but leave the oneOrMore 
<purpose> s explicit for now
* make new class model.castItemPart for use within <castItem> and
add <role>, <roleDesc>, <actor> to it. Revise the last of these to 
reference ND for discussion of name/person.
* change content model for wit, witness, and witDetail from
paraContent to phraseSeq, pending decision on reduced
* make new class model.physDescPart with
@generate=optionalSequence and add all former children of physDesc to it
* add new wording to TD to explain how @generate on classDesc
works (at present)

I'm hoping to get the personog. stuff done this week.

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