[tei-council] Re: module dependency

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Wed May 24 02:49:49 EDT 2006

> Er, OK, but then what? Diagnosing that there is a problem is nice,
> sure. But not half as nice as making sure there _is_ no problem.

I don't understand at all. They (the various suggestions on detecting
element level dependencies that are not met) seem equivalent to me.

1) If there is an element listed on depends= of <elementSpec> that is
   not declared, report an error rather than return a schema

2) Walk the tree of <content>, and if there is a required element
   which is not declared, report an error rather than return a schema

3) Generate the schema, and run it through a validator; if it is not
   valid, report an error rather than return the schema (command-line
   roma would need delete the invalid schema that had been generated)

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