[tei-council] kyoto meeting preparations

Christian Wittern wittern at kanji.zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Wed Feb 15 21:27:38 EST 2006

Dear Council members,

I know some of you are eagerly waiting for details, so I will provide
a short update on the preparations.

As mentioned, I am planning to hold a 1 day public meeting prior to
our usual Council Meeting.  The plan is to attract people interested
in the TEI to come and learn more about the TEI, but also people who
have some faint, old ideas about what the TEI used to be, and fill
them with enthousiasm about what the TEI is now and will be in the
near future.  For this purpose, I have asked five council members to
present papers (I will contact these five separatedly with more
details about that) about things that I hope will appeal to this
audience.  This session will be in the afternoon of Wed, May 17.  In
the morning of this day I am planning for a "Japanese Session" that
will hopefully make it easier to get people coming (which is usually a
tough sell for English only meetings).  This part will be coordinated
with OHYA Kazushi, who is quite excited about this.  

At the moment the venue etc. is not finalized, but I will keep you
updated on this.  

For those not among the speakers, the travel costs will be re-imbursed
by the TEI as usual.  I think it would be good for the TEI if you could
make your travel arrangements so that they allow you to take part at
least in the afternoon session on the 17th; the council meeting itself
is scheduled for May 18&19.  I will have to look into accomodation in
more detail once we finalized the venue of the meeting and will keep
you updated.  

For those coming to Japan for the first time, Kyoto was the capital
for more than a millenium and is still considered the cultural heart
of Japan.  You could easily fill three weeks of sightseeing just
within the city and its surroundings and then there is much more in
easy reach, for example Nara, 45 minutes on the same subway trains
that serve the city, Osaka; the famous Himeiji castle (one of the
finest in Japan) and so on.  May is an especially good season for
travel, right after the "Golden Week" at the beginning of May, which
is a week-long serious of holidays that most locals use for a getaway,
since the climate is very confortable -- after the cherry blossoms but
before the rainy season and the heat of the summer. 

I will be back with more details in ca. 2 weeks time,

All the best,


 Christian Wittern 
 Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
 47 Higashiogura-cho, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8265, JAPAN

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