[tei-council] Proposal for a Council Meeting May 2006 in Kyoto

Christian Wittern wittern at kanji.zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Sat Jan 14 07:25:31 EST 2006

Dear Council members,

At a recent internal meeting, I got the go-ahead and basic budget
approval for a meeting to be held in conjunction with the TEI Council
meeting in Kyoto. 

The idea is as follows: From an ongoing grant we will support travel
and stay for 5 Council members by inviting them to participate in an
open workshop that is to be held the day before the Council meeting.
I hope to organize this in a way that is both productive for the
Council itself, but has also some appeal to people interested in TEI
generally.  The catch is that we will need to have the papers
available for publication in the reports for our grant, so it should
be a bit more than just some powerpoint slides.  What I have in mind
is *not* a training session, but rather something similar to the type
of presentations we had in members meetings so far.  While I imagine
that all council members would be interested in presenting at this
workshop, I would like to reserve the right to solicit papers and
suggest topics that seem to fit best with the local interests we have

At the moment, I would like to see something like the following:

New Zealand Text Archive -- TEI, Topicmaps, MADS, CIDOC... Conan

TEI Internationalization -- state of the project, examples, etc. Sebastian

Personography -- Report on the efforts of the WG etc.  Matthew

P5 News -- Report on the recent developments etc.etc.  Lou or Syd


So there is still one slot open, suggestions welcome, also on the
slots filled.  

Now, I would like to here from council members, if this looks like a
good plan.  And of course I need word from those mentioned above if
they would be willing to participate.

Next, we need to look at the dates.  I would propose to hold the
workshop the day before the Council meeting.  That way, it can also
function as an update and preparation for our meeting itself.  If we
stay with Thursday/Friday for the Council meeting, this would mean to
hold the workshop on the preceding Wednesday, for example May 17 or
May 24 followed by Council meeting on May 18/19 or 25/26.  

Please comment on the possibility of this according to your schedule.
To get going with the preparations, we would need to fix the dates
pretty soon.

All the best -- looking forward to welcome you all here in Kyoto!



 Christian Wittern 
 Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
 47 Higashiogura-cho, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8265, JAPAN

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