[tei-council] customization in P5

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Mon Dec 19 04:20:07 EST 2005

Syd Bauman wrote:

>Sebastian, do you realize that we're talking about customization
>here, not creation of schemas?
I am not sure I get what the difference is? isnt
every real life schema a customization?

>I'm not sure what you mean by the RelaxNG parameterized schema
i mean what ends up in Schema/ when you do "make schemas".
you've probably never used them....

> but dropping the parameterization of the DTD fragments
>would be a Good Thing. I think creating them has been a waste of your
>valuable time, as will be maintaining them in the future.
arguably. but the work is done now.

and another point - *we* may not want to generate DTDs
from ODD, but its one of the claims of the ODD system. The
folks in the W3C using it *definitely* want (parameterized) DTDs!

>>It plainly _is_ possible today to use P5 in the same way as we used
>>to use P4, with DTD subsets.
>Has anyone tested this? I will buy you a (cheap American) beer if it
>does not turn out not to have problems, and there are not lots of
>customizations that are trivial in ODD that are difficult in DTD.
I didn't make a claim  for the latter!  but look at most
of the .xml files in Test in SF; they refer to the DTDs with
a DOCTYPE, as in (eg)

<!DOCTYPE TEI SYSTEM "../DTD/tei.dtd" [
<!ENTITY % TEI.header "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % TEI.textstructure "INCLUDE">
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">

thats a customization, in my book. add in <!ENTITY % n.p "para"> if you 
and it'll work.


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