[tei-council] (very) Brief status report on P5

Lou's Laptop lou.burnard at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Wed Dec 14 19:57:33 EST 2005

[Syd may want to add to this]

1. During October there was extensive work on attributes and datatypes, 
which was completed in time for a release of P5 (0.2.1) to take place on 
the 21st.

2. During November, the priority was to work on classes. A detailed 
programme of work was agreed following the Council meeting in Oxford, 
and is now complete. Full details of the changes made are available from 

3. Some outstanding issues remain on the class front, in particular  
there is still need for a  review of many chapters not discussed at the  
Oxford meeting.  Enough work has been done, however, to proceed to the 
revision of chapter ST, which is the next priority.

4. In December, Matthew Driscoll visited Oxford, resulting in a number 
of minor corrections to the MS chapter.

5. A new "listPerson" element has been introduced to facilitate encoding 
of "personographical" data: this was tested on some data supplied by 
Matthew which now forms a new component of the test suite.

6. New material for inclusion in chapters SA and NH has been received 
but not yet reviewed by both editors.

in haste


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