[tei-council] versificatory matters

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Tue Nov 8 16:21:37 EST 2005

I believe we have decided to abolish the numbered variants on <lg> 
provided by the chapter for verse (<lg1>, <lg2> etc.) in P5 but I can't 
find any written record of this eminently sensible decision. Before I 
set to  wielding my editing axe on this topic (treated somewhat skimpily 
but not insubstantially in chapter VE), does anyone wish to put in a 
last minute plea for a reprieve?

While thinking about verse, I would also like to sneak in a new element 
which should have been there all along: <rhyme>. This will be a phrase 
level element used to delimit the rhyming word/s of a line. It will have 
an attribute LABEL  to identify which bit of  the rhyme scheme (e.g. the 
a or b) this rhyming word instantiates and possibly TYPE to indicate 
what sort of a rhyme this is (e.g. full, partial, etc)

<l>Come now you men of wives <rhyme label="b">intellectual</rhyme></l>
<l>Confess, have they not <rhyme label="b" type="awful">hen-pecked you 

(Byron: Don Juan, from memory)

p.s. I claim no originality for this idea, having nicked it from Wendell 
Piez's charming sonnet site, 

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