[tei-council] datatypes again: make data.key a URI

James Cummings James.Cummings at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Tue Nov 1 14:32:24 EST 2005

Lou Burnard wrote:
>> Ok... I must be being dense, I was assuming it was identifying the 
>> <rs> element, not the 'foo'.... can't I have a database key attached 
>> to something where I also want to have an ID of some sort on the 
>> element?  Aren't these two completely different things?
> This makes no sense. Have another murphys.

*James orders another Murphys

> The <rs> can have an xml:id if you like. The <person> can too.
> The purpose of the KEY attribute however is to say what <person> 
> corresponds to this <rs>. It can do that by pointing to the <person>s 
> ID, or by Some Other Means.

Ah I think I am understanding my misunderstanding now.  *sip Murphys*
You said:

 >Choices: we could allow for both key= and uri= and say you really
 >ought to choose one or the other but not both. we could allow for
 >them as alternatives. we could choose just one. My vote is for the
 >last, and for URI.

I misread uri= and xml:id because the preceding example involving the 
person.  I thought you were saying a choice of xml:id or key.... *doh* 
  I agree then: just make @key a URI and if someone wants to change it 
they can.


I really should have a thunderbird extension which asks 'are you in a 
pub?' if my IP address has changed from the last time I've answered 
and then if I say yes, just postpone the message instead of sending them.



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