on spec grp 3, notations & ptrs (was "Re: [tei-council] datatypes")

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Sun Sep 18 14:50:23 EDT 2005

Mea culpa -- I forgot to update the website at 
http://www.tei-c.org/Drafts/DTYPES/ as well as checking the changes into 

Have now done so. Mind you, the Virginia site seems to be down again...

Syd Bauman wrote:

>Specification group 3: Datatypes: notations and pointers
>------------- ----- -- ---------- --------- --- --------
>* tei.data.notation: I don't know what this datatype is for or what
>  semantics it carries at all. I'm suspicious that I'd like it if I
>  did know what you had in mind -- but rather than have us guess,
>  perhaps you'd tell us what it's for, and what attributes should be
>  assigned this datatype?
>  On the other hand, no matter what it's for, why use rng:token
>  instead of xsd:token? For that matter, why use either of those
>  instead of tei.data.tokens? (Answer: because in this list, there is
>  no tei.data.token(s) -- what happened to them?)
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