on spec grp 3, notations & ptrs (was "Re: [tei-council] datatypes")

Syd Bauman Syd_Bauman at Brown.edu
Sun Sep 18 13:26:13 EDT 2005

Specification group 3: Datatypes: notations and pointers
------------- ----- -- ---------- --------- --- --------

* tei.data.notation: I don't know what this datatype is for or what
  semantics it carries at all. I'm suspicious that I'd like it if I
  did know what you had in mind -- but rather than have us guess,
  perhaps you'd tell us what it's for, and what attributes should be
  assigned this datatype?

  On the other hand, no matter what it's for, why use rng:token
  instead of xsd:token? For that matter, why use either of those
  instead of tei.data.tokens? (Answer: because in this list, there is
  no tei.data.token(s) -- what happened to them?)

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