[tei-council] attribute table for ED W 90 updated

Lou Burnard lou.burnard at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Sun Sep 18 07:24:27 EDT 2005

Syd Bauman wrote:

>I've now finished the second pass through the table of attributes
>that goes with ED W 90. The direct link to the PHP interface to it is
>At some point Council needs to go through this list and suggest
>changes, fill gaps, say "go ahead", etc. 

Indeed yes. The message I posted last night summarized the outstanding 
issues, as I see them at least.

>I'm not sure exactly when
>this should be done, since it's obvious from Lou's DTYPES list that
>we need to do quite a bit more work on datatypes first. I'll try to
>get to those tonight, but more likely tomorrow,

I am not quite sure what Syd means by "Lou's DTYPES list" and I am 
completely in the dark as to why he thinks there is "quite a bit more 
work" to be done! The list of datatypes I circulated last weekend, with 
the one (or possibly two) extensions I suggested yesterday, seems to me 
a workable basis for progress, and is almost entirely compatible with 
the proposals in Syd's edw90 table -- indeed, it is based on same.

We really have to get this long overdue and not very difficult exercise 
out of the way before moving on to the class system, which is a much 
more challenging prospect....

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