[tei-council] meeting technologies

Susan Schreibman sschreib at umd.edu
Thu Jul 14 18:32:02 EDT 2005

We switched to IM meetings for teiPublisher because the phone calls were 
too expensive for some of the team. They were far less satisfactory than 
telephone calls, and writing up minutes took forever as one had to wade 
through the entire chat session.


Syd Bauman wrote:

>SR> Do you all find the telephony a plausible method of
>SR> communication? Would you be interested in an alternate trial of
>SR> IM?
>I would be happy to try telephony. I would be very happy to have some
>sort of IM system available to us during the conference call, so that
>we can type examples and exact syntax at each other. But I don't
>think I like the idea of IM replacing the call, for a variety of
>reasons, not the least of which is that I have severe bilateral
>wrist tendonitis.
>SR> Another more radical alternative would be video conferencing. How
>SR> many of you would be willing to risk that?
>Not really interested, at least not yet. It doesn't seem like the
>advantages of seeing your smiling face outweigh the pain-in-the-neck
>factor here.
>tei-council mailing list
>tei-council at lists.village.Virginia.EDU

Susan Schreibman, PhD
Assistant Dean
Head of Digital Collections and Research
McKeldin Library
University of Maryland 
College Park, MD 20742

Phone: 301 314 0358
Fax: 301 314 9408
Email; sschreib at umd.edu

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