[tei-council] Not able to connect to today's call...

Alejandro Bia abia at umh.es
Fri Jul 8 05:26:47 EDT 2005

Dear council members,

I'm currently ill and away from work (and off-line most of the time).
My health has deteriorated since I came back from Canada three weeks ago.
Apparently, recovering may take long. I hope not.
I'll let you know.

I won't be able to take part of today's conference call.
I'm really sorry.


e-mail: abia at umh.es

   Departamento de Estadística, Matemática e Informática
   Universidad Miguel Hernández
   Edificio Torretamarit
   Avenida de la Universidad s/n, E-03202, Elche, ESPAÑA
   Tel: +34 966658542
   Fax: +34 966658715
   Teléfono móvil: +34 610806427


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