[tei-council] [AIR] Review of "Default Text Structure" and "Simple Analytic Mechanism" not ready:-(

James Cummings James.Cummings at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Thu Jul 7 05:14:45 EDT 2005

Christian Wittern wrote:
> Council members,
> Still not being able to find the notes I scribbled down during the
> long train rides and lonely evenings on the road to Paris, I have to
> apologize that my review for the above mentioned chapters is not yet
> ready:-(  I will redo it and post to the list as soon as I can find
> some time for this, which will be not before the tomorrows call, but
> hopefully before the following one.

On that note, I have a couple actions outstanding from the Paris meeting.

Chapter Reviews:

DR (Drama) -- I've read through it twice and approached people I thought might 
have had problems using it.  I can up with a series of hypothetical "should 
there be a better way of doing X" questions mainly based on the fact that DR is 
meant to be used for any type of performance and not just drama and have 
forwarded them to Perry (whom I'm collaborating with), but we've both been very 
busy so I don't think we'll have any concrete recommendations by tomorrow.

ND (Names & Dates) -- I approached the Ontology SIG in case they had any input 
on this, and while "Feeding back recommendations to P5" is one of the items on 
their agenda, they have not yet come to any conclusions.  I think that one of 
the considerations is Julia and Perry's investigation of @reg on naming 
elements.  Genealogists using XML that I approached (as a subject field using 
names and dates extensively in specific ways) suggested some changes, and some 
seemed to feel that the dating mechanisms could be improved.  (Specifically 
mechanisms for indicating that an event happened notBefore, Before, After, 
notAfter, a particular date.  Or that it definitely happened in a particular 
dateRange but that this was a range only because it was unknown rather than 
actually being a range.  Or the *bizarre* situation of not wanting YearMonth 
datatype but a YearDay: where you know something took place on the 14th of a 
particular year but not what month. (As I said, bizarre, and I think not catered 
for in W3C datatypes?))  In general there *are* ways of indicating these things 
in TEI dates, though some are rather clunky, and these sorts of dates are the 
types which are used in genealogy a lot.   I have yet to come up with any 
concrete proposals, suggestions or thoughts about names and dates, or discuss 
them with Perry.  Mea Culpa.


I'm about half-way through writing a README for the CVS Stylesheets module, and 
thought while I'm at it to do one for the other modules (or one for all CVS 
modules that can create the individual ones).  This isn't a highly contentious 
issue though and so I'll finish before the conference call after this one. Mea 

Apologies for my tardiness with these issues, I apologise for them now so that I 
don't need to waste people's time during the conference call doing so.


Dr James Cummings, Oxford Text Archive, University of Oxford
James dot Cummings at oucs dot ox dot ac dot uk

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