[tei-council] directory layout of a TEI distribution

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Sat Jul 2 18:05:06 EDT 2005

Some of us have been having a discussion with the oXygen folks about
a common layout for TEI-related files (docs, schemas, dtds, skeleton files,
kitchen sink etc). Christian rightly said that the Council should be
discussing this,
so here goes.

The following diagram shows the layout I am using for my Debian Linux
(starting at /usr/share).

The xml/tei tree is pretty well mandated by conformance to standards
for Debian (though please point out any really silly stuff), but the doc
is more open for discussion.  How should the HTML guidelines relate to
the skeletons?
what should the "skeletons" be called? where is the documentation for
these exemplars?
should I use "p4" or "P4" consistently?

I'd like to absolutely clear on this before the phone call at the latest,
so if you can tear yourselves away from Pink Floyd at Live8 for a few

|-- doc
|   `-- tei
|       |-- P4
|       |   `-- Figures
|       |-- P5
|       |-- Pictures
|       |-- skeletons
|       |   |-- p4
|       |   `-- p5
|       `-- web
|           `-- Query
`-- xml
    `-- tei
        |-- odd
        |-- schema
        |   |-- dtd
        |   |   |-- p4
        |   |   `-- p5
        |   |-- relaxng
        |   |   |-- p4
        |   |   `-- p5
        |   `-- xsd
        |       `-- p5
        `-- stylesheet
            |-- base
            |   |-- p4
            |   |   |-- common
            |   |   |-- fo
            |   |   |-- html
            |   |   `-- latex
            |   `-- p5
            |       |-- common
            |       |-- fo
            |       |-- html
            |       `-- latex
            |-- odds
            |-- slides
            `-- teic

38 directories

Sebastian Rahtz      
Information Manager, Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

OSS Watch: JISC Open Source Advisory Service

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