[tei-council] Update on revisions to Chapter 24, The Independent Header (SH)

John A. Walsh jawalsh at indiana.edu
Fri Apr 22 09:36:59 EDT 2005

Hi all,

Below is an update on work on Ch. 24, along with the spreadsheet 
discussed in our last conference call.  I sent this out last night, but 
I think it got blocked because I included attachments.  The previously 
attached documents are now available as links at:

http://www.dlib.indiana.edu/~jawalsh/tmp/council/ch24Update.xml (this 
update in TEI format)
(Open Office format)
(Excel format)


Update on revisions to Chapter 24, The Independent Header (SH)

Natasha Smith and I have been working to revise and update Chapter
24 on the Independent Header. We were told by the editors that, since
there is no evidence that independent headers are actually used by the
TEI community, we should remove references to independent headers but
retain and update the still valuable information regarding mapping from
the TEI Header to other metadata formats, such as MARC. The eventual
goal is to eliminate this chapter and incorporate the metadata mapping
information into Chapter 5, "The TEI Header."

We have completed the task of editing the chapter to remove
references to independent headers, and we have begun the work of
revising and updating the metadata mapping sections. To facilitate the
process of updating the metadata mapping information, we have created a
spreadsheet of the TEI Header elements, in their various hierarchical
contexts. This spreadsheet will be used by library catalogers and
metadata experts to indicate mappings to other metadata standards, such
as MARC and Dublin Core. The completed spreadsheet could also be used to
generate a reference table for the P5 Guidelines. The spreadsheet is
pretty comprehensive but does not yet include the msDescription
elements. Also note that the spreadsheet refers to P4 documentation
rather than P5. I feel that the P4 documentation is, at this point,
easier to use and fuller with examples and so will be more useful to the
catalogers and metadata experts, who are not necessarily TEI experts. We
have recruited some catalogers and metadata experts to help with this
process, but we haven't yet given them the spreadsheet and set them to

Next Steps:

    1. Give catalogers the spreadsheet to document mappings from TEI
       Header to MARC and Dublin Core.
    2. Draft a section that discusses use of namespaces to incorporate
       other metadata standards into TEI.
    3. Assemble all the parts and revise for improved organization and 
    4. Seek feedback from TEI in Libraries group and wider TEI community.

The spreadsheet is attached in Open Office and Excel format.

| John A. Walsh, Associate Director for Projects and Services
| Digital Library Program / Indiana University Libraries
| Indiana University, 1320 East Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405
| Voice:812-855-8758 Fax:812-856-2062 <mailto:jawalsh at indiana.edu>

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