[tei-council] P5 how to

James Cummings James.Cummings at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Thu Apr 14 03:42:43 EDT 2005

Christian Wittern wrote:
> Not sure if we should specifically cater to oxygen users here, this might
> alienate other commercial vendors.

This worried me as well.  I suppose one could say that we would be 
willing to write two sentences for any editor which comes bundled with
TEI schema, if asked?  (I mean how many would that be?) oXygen doesn't
come with P5 at the moment, but I'm sure they will include it when it
is released.  A blurb about oXygen would go something like this in
my mind:  "If you are using oXygen then you may associate a schema with
a particular document on creation, or via the menu or toolbar.  This 
will allow validation and context-sensitive prompting when creating 

 > I
> think it is highly desirably to make this chapter more readable, since
> access to P5 more or less depends on this.  

I'm assuming that this might also be the proper place to discuss Roma, 
ODD and such things in more detail?


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