[tei-council] new look TEI web site

James Cummings James.Cummings at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Tue Mar 1 15:27:16 EST 2005

Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> I'd like to invite you all to visit http://www.tei-c.org.uk/ and have a 
> crawl around.


- The png logo seems to have disappeared? I know it is attached as a 
background image in the CSS...but you get an error from Cocoon saying
it can't find it in eXist. http://www.tei-c.org.uk/logos/TEI-glow.png

- As mentioned in my last big long list of suggested changes (Sent 
privately), the members area is still unpassword protected. (Not that 
this bothers me...)

- One thing that bothers me, but I'd be interested in what others think:
The very front page gives you a three column layout with CSS floated 
columns. All very good.  But then when you click on a link and actually 
'enter' the site proper, you get the top-down menu navigation of the 
menu.  I think what I find jarring is the switch from one style to the 
other. (I much prefer the top-menu navigation, as it happens, even 
though I've used the former 3-column layout many times myself.)  Might 
it be more consistent to have only the the top-menu navigation?


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