[tei-council] url vs xlink:href

Sebastian Rahtz sebastian.rahtz at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk
Mon Feb 14 10:27:01 EST 2005

James Cummings wrote:

> Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but isn't this quote talking about the 
> possible (and then rejected) change of name of the 'target' attribute, 
> not the url attribute?  For John, 
> http://www.tei-c.org/Council/tcm11.html#body.1_div.13 is where the 
> council suggested the SO wg think again in respect to renaming @target 
> to be @href.  As @target on <ptr> seems in the current P5 draft to be 
> of datatype.uriList, and so can contain multiple URIs, this makes sense.
> But John's question, I'm assuming, was about the use of @url not @target:

surely @url and @target are the same thing? as it stands in P5, we only 
have @target

> @url as used on say <graphic> is xsd:anyURI, presumably because it 
> needs to point to one particular thing.
its probably <graphic> which is out of sync, and should be xlink:xref

> But interestingly, the SO wg seems to suggest use of @xlink:href
> when using SVG (http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/SO/sow04.html), but I 
> don't know whether this was followed up or not, or considered outside 
> the scope since I'm assuming it is what is used in SVG.  Can someone 
> remind me (also as a newcomer) whether it was the decision and 
> rational was concerning use of SVG to be used within 
> <figure>/<graphic>? Is this the recommend use or only offered as an 
> extension?

that whole business of SVG inside <graphic>/<figure> seems to me merely 
illustrative and not TEI normative in any sense

> @url as used seems to point to only one thing (unlike @target). 
> @xlink:href also seems to point to only one thing.
> If we are going to have to be processing xlink:href when used with 
> SVG...should we use it elsewhere?

maybe.  it would conform with the depressing state of using xml:id, 
xml:lang and xml:base, and make
my life even more difficult by making practically every TEI document use 
_3_ namespaces

Sebastian Rahtz      
Information Manager, Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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