[tei-council] Next Council meeting

Edward Vanhoutte edward.vanhoutte at kantl.be
Mon Dec 20 11:43:06 EST 2004

I agree with Lou on this one.


Lou Burnard wrote:

> My experience has always been that scheduling meetings back to back, in 
> particular in tandem with a major conference, is utterly exhausting and 
> thus unprofitable. On those grounds alone I don't think having the 
> Council meeting tagged on to ACHALLC would be such a smart move, with or 
> without the dapper presence of my esteemed colleague.
> I also think that we have a lot of work to report to the council already 
> and there should be plenty more by April. So my vote (not that I have 
> one) is for April. If people are tired of Oxford or wary of Copenhagen, 
> I believe Nancy is also nice in the spring, and not at all expensive.
> Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
>> FWIW, I would not normally attend ACH/ALLC.
>> I don't think you should change the dates for one person, however 
>> well-dressed, suave and amusing that person may be; so I'd still 
>> suggest you stick with April.
>> Sebastian
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Edward Vanhoutte
Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie - CTB (KANTL)
Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies
Associate Editor, Literary and Linguistic Computing
Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde
Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature
Koningstraat 18 / b-9000 Gent / Belgium
tel: +32 9 265 93 51 / fax: +32 9 265 93 49
edward dot vanhoutte at kantl dot be

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